Lead Magnet Idea for your Author Newsletter

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    As an author, connecting with your readers is crucial, and one of the most effective ways to do this is through an author newsletter. However, are you stuck wondering how you can get your readers to actually sign-up to your author newsletter? The answer is through a LEAD MAGNET! 🙌

    A lead magnet is a free resource that you offer to your readers in exchange for their email addresses. They’re more common than you realize! Have you ever seen a peer advertise a resource such as a planner, or a guide, and it’s FREE? All you have to do is give them your e-mail address? That’s a lead magnet! Through offering lead magnets, authors can grow their mailing lists.

    Why Offer The First Chapter Of Your Book?

    Using the first chapter of your book as a lead magnet offers numerous benefits for both you and your readers. Here are some:

    1. Engages readers: The first chapter is your chance to captivate readers and hook them into your story.

    2. Showcases your writing style: Your writing style is one of the defining aspects of your work. Offering the first chapter allows readers to experience your unique voice and get a sense of what they can expect from your book.

    3. Builds anticipation: When readers finish the first chapter and are left wanting more, they are more likely to eagerly anticipate the release of your full book.

    4. Establishes a connection: By offering your first chapter, you're inviting readers into your world. They get a glimpse of your characters, setting, and plot, which helps them form a connection with your story and encourages them to continue reading!

    Using the first chapter of your book as a lead magnet is a win-win situation. It entices readers, showcases your writing, builds anticipation, and establishes a connection that can turn casual readers into devoted fans.

    Step One - Set-up Your Author Newsletter!

    Setting up a mailing list for your author newsletter may sound intimidating, but thankfully, there are several user-friendly platforms available. Here are a few samples to consider:

    1. Mailchimp: Mailchimp is one of the most popular newsletter platforms and offers a range of features, including easy-to-use templates, automation, and analytics. It's a great option for both beginners and experienced users.

    2. ConvertKit: ConvertKit is specifically designed for creators like authors. It provides powerful tools for segmenting your audience, creating automated email sequences, and delivering personalized content.

    3. Squarespace: If you have a website built on Squarespace, you can use Email Campaigns for your mailing list!

    Set-up Your Lead Magnet

    Now that you have chosen a newsletter platform, it's time to set up your lead magnet. Here's a step-by-step overview of the process:

    1. Create a sign-up page - A sign-up page is a dedicated webpage where visitors can sign up to receive your lead magnet. Use your newsletter platform's built-in landing page creator or, if you already have a website, you can create a new page or a pop-up for it. What your page should include at a minimum:

      • Explanation of what they’ll get when they sign-up (in this case, the first chapter of your book)

      • Sign-up form to your newsletter

    2. Prepare the Book Sample - There are several ways to prepare your sample:

      • Create an ebook file with only the first chapter of your book

      • Create a new page on your site and copy-paste the first chapter - you can consider password-protecting this, if possible

      • Just copy-paste the first chapter into the e-mail you’re going to send out to new subscribers, though be careful with this option - a very lengthy e-mail message is daunting to a lot of people!

    3. Set up email automation - When someone signs-up to your newsletter, they should receive an automated email that gives them access to your first chapter. This can be a downloadable link, a link to a page on your site, or you can even just copy-paste the chapter to the e-mail itself! Use your chosen newsletter platform's automation features to set this up.

    4. Promote your lead magnet - Spread the word about your lead magnet through your website, social media channels, author interviews, and any other platforms where your target audience can be found. Here’s an example social media post (don’t forget to add the link to your sign-up page to your bio!)

    Sample of a social media post that promotes an author's mailing list via offering the first chapter of their book as a lead magnet

    Other Lead Magnet Ideas For Author Newsletters

    While the first chapter of your book is a powerful lead magnet, there are so many other ways you can get reads to sign-up to your author mailing list! Here are a few suggestions:

    1. Short stories

    2. Exclusive content

    3. Writing tips and advice

    4. Book club guides

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